ONCE presents the coupon to commemorate the seventeenth Renaissance Festival
Tortosa. Delta de lĀ“Ebre. Costa Dorada. 11th July 2012. ONCE presented in Tortosa coupon commemorating the seventeenth Renaissance Festival in a ceremony attended by the territorial delegate in Catalonia ONCE, Xavier Grau, Mayor of Tortosa, Ferran Bel, and Councillor for Fiestas, Domingo Tomas. Five million coupons will carry over to Spain image of the Renaissance Festival, one of the most important promotional activities that have been made in the history of the festival. The coupon, which is already on sale, corresponds to the draw on Saturday 21 July, during the Renaissance Festival, and takes a picture with a champion and one of the apse of the Cathedral. The presentation of the coupon has been precisely in the place of the apse, the presence of different members of ONCE Tortosa and the Lands of the Ebro. Xavier Grau, who is the son of Reguers, showed their enthusiasm to promote an activity as the Renaissance Festival throughout the State. "Whenever I take to the ambassador of Tortosa, and this is a good opportunity to publicize the Renaissance Festival." Grau said that ONCE covers 10,500 members in Catalonia and the priority of the organization is to promote the employment of these people and work to eliminate barriers to municipalities. "Passing is one of our principles and want to share it with all citizens," said the delegate from ONCE. The mayor, for his part, stressed the importance for Tortosa and the Renaissance Festival this promotion. Bel praised the work of integration that makes the job ONCE and recalled the work done by the city of Tortosa in the elimination of architectural barriers, "a work that must continue." Finally, he said that Xavier Grau will be responsible for opening the street to board during the Renaissance Festival. The coupon weekend ONCE provides for two euros, a prize of 6,000 euros per month for 25 years in the five figures in the series, which can be increased with an additional cash prize with the "Ball special" red color.
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