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Guided visit to Modernism in Reus: ,From Gaudí to Domenech i Montaner,
Reus. Costa Dorada. Reus Tourism has launched a new guided tours of Modernism Reus, which with the name "Gaudí in Domenech i Montaner" with the following schedule: 11 am Gaudí Center (modern interpretation center of the life and work of Gaudí) 12.30 pm Modernism Route (route through the city center) 4'30 pm Institut Pere Ma...
'The Fire' by Sidonie, on 6 March in Reus
Reus. Costa Dorada. Sidonie, the Catalan groups pop of the last years, arriving the next day Reus on 6th March will present in concert for their latest album 'The Fire'. The group will begin its spectacular live starting at 10pm. in Sala Novoo in the capital of Baix Camp. His latest work The fire is the fifth studio album f...
Quality Nights Festival promotes an option for safer and healthier nightlife
Reus. Costa Dorada. Nights with Quality Platform, which is part of the City of Reus, is organizing this event Friday, December 11 at La Palma in order to promote a choice of safe and healthy nightlife. The festival is the first public activity that starts from the co-operation carrying out the various agents involved in the...
Obra Social ,la Caixa, and Reus present the origin of the Camino de Santiago
Reus. Costa Dorada. The exhibition, organized by the Obra Social "la Caixa" and the City of Paris, can be seen from 9 December 2009 to 17 January 2010 in a tent set installed in the Plaza de la Libertad of Reus. El Camino de Santiago has a meaning in European history of the first elements guiding the continent. The exhib...
The XVII Feria de los Novios, Tot Nuvis, in Reus this weekend
Reus. Costa Dorada. This weekend, on 13, 14 and 15 November, the Fira de Reus hosts Tot Nuvis, the 17th Fair of the Grooms, dedicated to the wedding industry: restaurants, photographers, florists, clothing stores, etc. The official opening will be held on Saturday 14 at 4:45pm there will be chaired by the popular model Mi...
Tourism, trade and services, most awarded sectors at Reus Chamber Awards for 2009
Reus. Costa Dorada. Reus Chamber of Commerce has announced the verdict for Reus Chamber Awards 2009. The awards will be presented in Montblanc (Conca de Barbera) at the Chamber Awards Night which will take place on Friday 13 November in the Pavilion of the Casal Montblanc. In addition to the Chamber Awards during the Awards...
The fourth edition of Memorimage festival comes with an air of renewal
Reus. Costa Dorada. This week comes to Reus fourth Memorimage Festival, films of today with yesterday's images, which will return on 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 filled with news. The festival, which aims to demonstrate and reward for films that incorporate footage is the only festival of its kind in the world. Memorimage is an innovat...
Whiskyn's leverages Misericordia parties to say goodbye to his audience
Reus. Costa Dorada. Reus group Whiskyn's has chosen his city, and the framework of the festival of Misercordia, to the farewell concert, since the group broke up after seventeen consecutive years, eight albums released and more than five hundred concerts. The appointment will be on 26 September 2009, at 23.30 h, in the Plaç...
The small festival and torchlight rosary in Reus for parties of Misericordia
Reus. Costa Dorada. On 23 th September, children are the protagonists with the exit from the Casa Rull at 6.30pm of the parade for children of the Seguici popular. It will involve groups such as the Ball de Diables Infantil, the Drac petit, the Nanos petits, the Mulasseta, the Gegants Fadrins, the Ball de Pastorets petit, t...
Reus celebrates the day of Our Virgen de Misericordia
Reus. Costa Dorada. The morning of 25 September will be dedicated to the Virgin of Misericordia with Mass at 7, at 8 and 9 in the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy. At 8 grallers groups in the city, the drummers of the Devil's Dance and Dance Reus Pere Joan Barceló roam the streets in honor of the Virgin. The day will be long and...
Horse shows and games and career has sacks of hazelnuts in Sant Jaume Reus
Reus. Costa Dorada. To maintain one of the oldest traditions of the holiday calendar of the city and the exhibition schedule of Catalonia, the Patronato Municipal de Turismo y Comercio de Reus organizes traditional Sant Jaume Fair, which this year celebrates the 666 anniversary since that was the year 1343 when King Pere II...
Familiar faces and young artists are combined into the thirteen new productions of theatrical CAER
The Performing Arts Center Reus (CAER) has filed Thursday thirteen productions that debut during the 2009/10 season. This program includes performances of dance, theater, circus and opera featuring or directed by well known actors in the country, for young talent. The total budget earmarked for the falling production during...
Corpus, Sant Joan and Fiesta Mayor, upcoming appointments for an intense month of June in Reus
This month in June suggests an intense Reus proposed festive activities that begins with the feast of Corpus and will close in July with subsequent acts on the festival of Sant Pere. The day of Corpus Christi, June 11, the giants of the city strolling through the town to the delight of children and not so children can admir...
El Salón de la Moto sortea 1.000 euros
Los días 15, 16 y 17 de mayo tendrá lugar en el recinto de Fira de Reus (Avda. del Comercio, s / n) la tercera edición del Salón de la Moto, que este año sorteará 1.000 euros para que el beneficiario se compre una moto. Este sorteo está patrocinado por moquillo Motos, Folch Endurance y Moto Líder. El horario de esta feria s...
Hostelcat reunirá en Fira de Reus al sector de la hostelería de la Costa Dorada y Terres de l'Ebre
Hostelcat es la primera feria profesional de hostelería y restauración de las comarcas del sur de Cataluña. La existencia de una marca de primera magnitud como es la de Costa Dorada, la presencia de Port Aventura, un turismo interior emergente, y unas infraestructuras que cada vez comunican mejor estas comarcas con el resto...
El Patronato de Turismo de Reus oferta una visita combinada al patrimonio modernista de la ciudad
Los sábados hasta diciembre de este año, se puede disfrutar de la visita combinada que ha preparado el Patronato de Turismo de Reus para dar a conocer su patrimonio modernista y el Gaudí Centre, aunque en plena temporada alta (del 15 de julio al 15 de septiembre) las visitas se pueden realizar cada día y se ofrecen en vario...
Nueva web del Patronato de Turismo de Reus
El Patronato de Turismo de Reus ha renovado su web con el objetivo de hacer más asequible, completa y útil la información turística de la ciudad. Los contenidos se estructuran en diferentes apartados. En la página de inicio, se han destacado con una fotografía los 6 apartados más consultados (Gaudí Centre, Casa Navàs, Insti...
Semana Santa en la Costa Dorada: entre la devoción, las tradiciones y la curiosidad
La Semana Santa en la Costa Dorada, y concretamente en Tarragona y Reus, cuenta con diversos actos emblemáticos que las caracterizan, y le dan un valor relevante que va más allá de la creencia religiosa para convertirse en tradición. Así por ejemplo, en Reus destacan la procesión del Silencio, la del Sant Enterrament y las ...
Del 5 al 7 de mayo Reus acoge la primera feria profesional de la hosteleria y la restauración
Fira de Reus acogerá los próximos días 5, 6 y 7 de mayo Hostelcat, la primera feria dedicada a los profesionales de la hostelería y la restauración de las comarcas del sur de Cataluña. La feria, que presentaron este pasado lunes Jordi Martí e Isaac Sanromà, máximos responsables de Fira de Reus, y Àngel Xifré, director de lo...
Reus acoge 6.500 turistas deportivos durante abril
La sociedad municipal Reus Esport i Lleure gestionará la estancia y la práctica deportiva de 6.500 personas durante el mes de abril, y consolida así la ciudad de Reus como destino de turismo deportivo de referencia. La empresa municipal, en colaboración con patronatos de turismo y concejalías de Deporte de otras poblaciones...
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